InnoDB is a very popular storage engine for MySQL. It’s an alternative to the default MyISAM engine and it has a number of strong sides which have made it the engine of choice for lots of script-based web apps, including Magento and Joomla, which have moved to InnoDB permanently. For instance, importing enormous amounts of data will be faster with InnoDB, due to the fact that it locks only a single row to perform a given operation, not the entire database table, which makes the engine excellent for scalable apps. It also supports foreign keys and database transactions – these refer to the way in which the data is treated. In simpler words, appending new or updating existent data will either be thoroughly completed, or will be annulled and the procedure will be rolled back if some issue shows up during the process, hence the content that remains in the database won’t be damaged.

InnoDB in Shared Web Hosting

While InnoDB is either a paid upgrade or it is not available at all with many hosting companies, it is included in the standard set of features that we’re offering with our shared web hosting packages. If you wish to use a PHP-powered application that requires InnoDB specifically, in order to be installed and to perform correctly, you will not experience any impediments since the MySQL database engine is available on our custom cloud website hosting platform. Irrespective of whether you set up a brand-new MySQL database and install an application manually or make use of our one-click app installer software tool, InnoDB will be selected automatically by our platform as the default engine if the app needs it instead of MyISAM. Besides the excellent database failure recovery that InnoDB offers, we also make daily database backups, so we can easily restore any database in your shared website hosting account.

InnoDB in Semi-dedicated Servers

All our semi-dedicated servers support InnoDB and you’ll be able to use all the options offered by this storage engine with any PHP script-driven web application that requires it. It is one of the engines that are available on our cloud hosting platform, so the one that will be selected depends on the requirements of the particular application. You won’t have to do anything manually to enable InnoDB, as it will be set as the default engine when you install an app – whether manually or using our 1-click app installer. To avoid any risk, we’ll keep daily backups of all your MySQL databases, so if anything goes wrong following an upgrade or if you delete some content unintentionally, we’ll be able to restore your database the way it was on any of the past 7 days.

InnoDB in Dedicated Servers

InnoDB is available as standard with all dedicated servers that are ordered with the Hepsia hosting Control Panel. It’s an essential part of the software bundle that will be pre-installed on all Hepsia-managed dedicated servers, so as soon as your machine is assembled, you’ll be able to sign in and to activate any kind of open-source script-driven application that requires this database engine. When you set up a new database through the hosting Control Panel, there won’t be any activated engine until you begin installing an application. Once the app activation wizard begins dumping data in the newly created database, the engine will be picked automatically depending on the requirements of the given application, so you can run both InnoDB and MyISAM without selecting either of them specifically at any moment. Thus, you can make use of an extensive variety of apps for your sites.